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SEND jobs in Hertfordshire


We’re investing in our statutory SEND workforce.  

Things are changing in SEND. Do you want to make a positive impact and be part of that change?



We have over 11,000 children and young people in Hertfordshire with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and are really making SEND everybody’s business by creating a range of positions including EHC Coordinators who specialise in the early years, school-age, further education and for those with significant additional vulnerabilities such as being in the care of Hertfordshire County Council or are struggling to attend schools, some specialist opportunities. 

We’re looking for people who have a passion for improving the experience of children with SEND across Hertfordshire. 

Join our team as we strive to: 

  • improve the quality of our Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) and the support provided as a result
  • develop a strong and consistent approach to decision-making about EHCPs with our partners
  • create trusted relationships with families and partners and improve our communications.

Hertfordshire SEND Academy

We are creating an exciting new staff development initiative: the Hertfordshire SEND Academy.  This will comprise of a top quality induction, ongoing learning and wellbeing programme, with the aim of building a highly skilled and confident workforce within a supportive work culture. This will help us to achieve our aim of a high level of job satisfaction alongside positive outcomes for children and young people with SEND.