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About us



Ways of working

Ways of Working prioritises outcomes over locations:

  • Colleagues are trusted to make the right decisions about how to perform at their best
  • Working at home or in the community our colleagues decide how to effectively collaborate with others and when to travel and use offices
  • With this flexibility comes better work/life balance, a reduced environmental impact and financial savings.


Salaries and annual leave

All this on top of great core benefits, including:

  • Generous pay.
  • Flexible working.
  • Great holiday entitlement.
  • Pension schemes with excellent employer contribution.
  • Relocation packages for eligible employees.
  • Salary exchange schemes including Cycle2work, Purchased Annual Leave and Christmas Savings Club.
  • Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) - an opportunity for you to supplement your pension to build up an additional retirement funds.



In June 2020 we launched our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy which set out our commitment to becoming a more inclusive organisation.
  • We want all employees to feel they can be themselves at work. Feeling included is good for us as individuals but is also good for teams and the people and communities we serve.
  • We have staff networks, which provide us with insight into the employee experience of inclusion working at Hertfordshire County Council.
  • Our diversity and inclusion actions are governed by our Senior Management Board, Diversity and Inclusion Board and each of our directorates' Diversity and Inclusion Boards. 




What are they?

Hertfordshire County Council have a Job Family Framework to help organise all the Council roles across the organisation.

There are 9 job families, and each job family contains a number of levels, each reflecting different skills, knowledge and experience that are typically expected. Each level of work is consistent across all the 9 families.

Within each job family, although the level of responsibility, skill or competence required to do the work may be different, the essential nature of the activities carried is similar. 


Benefits of a Job Family framework

All this on top of great core benefits, including:

  • A simpler job structure, with increased transparency about how jobs are evaluated, and how pay is set.
  • Greater understanding of skills and experience across the organisation, to support more flexible allocation of resource and succession planning.
  • Employees can see clearer career pathways through greater clarity about where their job sits in the organisation and in relation to other roles.
  • Clear performance expectations at each level, supported by a behaviour framework.
  • Helping us ensure consistency and equity in pay.